paranormal reddit
after reading these stories from reddit users who had creepy, unexplainable, possibly paranormal things happen to them, you may start
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we welcome personal paranormal experiences, debunked evidence, photo/video/audio evidence, thoughts and theories, discussion of equipment used and ) absolutely no fiction or paranormal stories. real, inperson encounters with the living only. fictional and/or paranormal stories can be posted to several of the
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articles, photos, discussions, and evidence of ghosts and other paranormal events. direct links to articles about the paranormal are allowed, as long as they this subreddit is significantly less restrictive than that of other paranormal related stories or article subs. if your submission is interesting and paranormalrelated
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welcome to /r/paranormalencounters. this subreddit was created in hopes of becoming a community of those who have experienced paranormal phenomena we welcome paranormal investigators, mediums, and other similar r/paranormalhelp is for assistance with paranormal issues and local services offered.
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until i was about , i was never curious if ghosts were real or not, until i heard someone at school tell a ghost story. i didn't believe them at members of the reddit community recently shared their most bizarre and terrifying experiences with the paranormal.
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when it comes to reallife paranormal stories, reddit is the gift that keeps on giving (and giving, and then giving some more). whether that's a
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